Friday, June 22, 2018

Celebrating a year together as a community on Discord! @discordapp @adafruit #adafruit

Adafruit One Year Discord Blog
Hi! Makers, hackers, artists, engineers, community members! We are celebrating 1 YEAR, that is ONE YEAR, since we started the Adafruit Discord server! As of right now, there are:

6,649 members.
Of the members 653 are online right now!
Of the members, 6,646 are humans,
And 3 bots help us run the topics/channels together.

We’re thrilled to say Adafruit’s Discord is one of the largest open-source, electronics, sharing community Discord servers. Last year in July, Discord made Adafruit an official partner and it allowed us to do more things with the server like customization and cool features for the community.

While Discord was developed for gaming, it’s used (by us and others) as a place to bring people together to share ideas, code, electronics. It’s where we develop CircuitPython, real-time and in the open (in #CircuitPython). It’s where we answer questions in our live shows like ASK AN ENGINEER, 3D Hangouts, John Park’s Workshop, Show and Tell (in #livebroadcast). It’s where have we have weekly community get togethers including ones from our friends at Digi-Key #Digi-Key-Discord.

Discord is where we share, it is where we can tell our story, it is where the community tells their stories. Like our CircuitPython tagline CODE + COMMUNITY, Discord is the real-time community via text, video, audio, photos, and movies. It is people working together, making things they care about and sharing them, building, publishing.

One of the members said it best in the chat: “The Adafruit Discord server is an online 24/7, 365, Hackerspace/Makerspace you can bring your granddaughter to.”

There is a fantastic, caring, community of helpers, Adafruit team members (in NYC and remote around the world) that help keep the server family friendly and welcoming. Together we’ve made a code of conduct that not only gives guidance for us all being excellent to one another, it’s make an inclusive welcoming place for people who want to share and make things together. Thank you community helpers!!

A special hug report to the CircuitPython team at Adafruit who day to day help bring together the community on Discord and beyond: Dan, Kattni, and Scott! Hug report sprinkles on top extra to Scott: thank you so much for suggesting Discord, not only in words, but in actions, in code, in caring, and in community. Your leadership and empathy for others in all the things you do made Adafruit Discord what it is. It is very much appreciated, and the community appreciates it as well.

Thank you so much for a great year everyone! We’ll see you on Discord 🙂

Posts on Adafruit from our 1 year together on Discord – Adafruit blog.

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