Friday, June 29, 2018

Golang with Feather and Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi #FeatherFriday

Thanks to Bill for sending us this tip! Bill writes:

I’ve been purchasing items from Adafruit for a while now, and I’ve begun to put some of them to use, in particular the FeatherWing 8×16 display and the alphanumeric display and the MCP23017. It’s all good gear. I’ve combined learning how to use those parts on a Raspberry Pi (the 3 B+, the latest) by learning and using the Go language and the Gobot framework.

While I’ve been using some of the core Gobot functions to manipulate the I2C bus, a lot of the code for working with those two devices I’ve written on my own. Here’s an example if you care to look:

I know you’ve written and posted a lot of code for these devices already on Github, and I’ve even looked in a bit and reused a smidge in my own work. But your code is written in C/C++ and Python, and I’ve been wanting to dig into Golang for some time. So all of my work is obviously in Golang.

Check out Bill’s full right up on Arcane Science Lab and GitHub and see more on vimeo!

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