Friday, June 22, 2018

@grow_slow Time-Lapse #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Grow slow 11days

This art project tweets a photo of the same plant every single day using a Raspberry Pi. It has been tweeting now for over 2 years. You can follow the account @grow_slow and check out the concept and build details at Nicole He’s blog:

@grow_slow is a meditation on nature and technology. Every morning at 10:17 am, a webcam takes a photo of my fiddle-leaf fig plant and tweets it.


Often, I’d be going about my life, happen to take a glance at my plant and think, “huh, when did it grow so fast?” I found it easy to forget that plants – being alive and all – are not just household decorations, but organisms that move and change and grow.

The internet is fast, but plants are slow. This project is an experiment in combining those two things. @grow_slow follows the philosophy of the Slow Web. Any one picture might be mundane by itself, but as a collection, they become interesting over the course of time.


@grow_slow’s photo is taken with a Logitech HD Webcam C310, connected by USB to a Raspberry Pi. A cronjob runs a Python script on the Pi. The code is available on Github.

The plant is watered once a week, usually around Monday evenings.

Read more
(H/t Life Hacker)

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