Thursday, July 26, 2018

Even More GEMMA CircuitPython Guides

Adafruit’s new GEMMA M0 wearable microcontroller comes with CircuitPython support fresh from the factory. Plug it into USB and use any text editor to open and edit the “.py” file…it’s just that simple, no IDE to install!

We’re updating most of our “classic” GEMMA guides on the Adafruit Learning System to provide example CircuitPython code for the new board along with the original Arduino sketches, and bringing the latter up-to-date where needed. GEMMA M0 can run either one.

With something like 170 GEMMA-related guides in the Adafruit Learning System, watch for updates in small batches. Here are the latest:

Trinket / Gemma Space Invader Pendant – Are you a child of the 80’s? Wear it proudly around your neck with this retro charm.  This project is an animated LED necklace that is perfect for electronics novices and group workshops. It looks good and can be assembled quickly.

Trinket (& Gemma) Servo Control – Watching motors rotate based on your input is nothing short of hypnotic. This project using a potentiometer as input and responds with a servo motor (as output) mimicking the rotation of the potentiometer. While simple, it is powerful and an important step as one delves into robotics programming.

Trinket / Gemma Blinky Eyes – What is more fun than stuffing LEDs into halloween decorations? How about including a microcontroller to drive those LEDs with a realistic eye blink pattern. This project makes use a randomized timer and pulse width modulation to create a wonderful fade + blink effect.

DIY Thermal Light Painting – Heat Map Photography – This project helps one visualize the temperature of objects. It comes in the form of a magnifying glass and neoblaster. The instant gratification is off the charts with this one due to its high interactivity and constantly changing color feedback.

Techno-Tiki RGB LED Torch – Are you read for a lot more buttons on your next project? The Techno-Tiki Torch will show you how to receive signals from our Mini Remote Control to change the colors and patterns on these lights. This is a great way to learn how to decode infrared signals and make future projects much more dynamic with almost two dozen buttons.

3D Printed LED-Animation BMO

Adorable comes in many forms and this little fellow has might have bested the Space Invader Pendant in terms of cuteness. The 8×8 LED Matrix this project is based on is an excellent place to get into programming animations and text. It only requires two pins (i2c) and is a cinch to solder up.

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