Monday, July 30, 2018

The Scream: Interactive Screaming Painting

When Edvard Munch painted his most famous painting, The Scream, in 1893 he perfectly captured the existential angst of modern humanity. He did not, however, have access to a microcontroller board with built-in sound sensing connected to a servo motor and speaker, so he failed to make his masterpiece interactive.

Today, we’ll change all of that! By using the Crickit with Circuit Playground Express, and a bit of code in CircuitPython, we can make The Scream scream back at you when you scream at it!


By Edvard Munch - National Gallery of Norway, Public Domain,

In addition to the parts above, you’ll need:

  • Two copies of the painting printed on a color printer
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Cardstock
  • Chipboard (thin cardboard)
  • Frame and mat with cardboard backing
  • Scrap wood for standoffs
  • Glue stick for paper
  • High temp hot melt glue and glue gun, or wood glue and clamps
  • Frame hanging hooks and hardware
  • Hobby knife
  • Straight edge

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