Monday, August 26, 2019

Organize to Optimize #MakerBusiness #Safety


Eric from Bolt sent in this helpful blogpost outlining some of the less obvious, but crucial, steps it takes to run a shop. He writes:

There are plenty of blog posts about the best 3d printer or
laser cutter to buy based on your needs and budgets. There aren’t many about
all of the boring or unassuming things you need to run a shop, however. In
this post, I dive into the Marking, Organizational, and Safety tools that we
recommend for running a safe and efficient prototyping shop.

Angld clips

While developing a hardware product as part of a fast-growing startup, the ability to iterate on your design quickly is key. By keeping our prototyping space well-marked, organized, and safe, our portfolio companies can work efficiently. If they can’t clearly mark something to recover later, find a tool they need or a piece of gear that will allow them to stay safe, we’ve slowed them down. And in the world of startups, that can be detrimental.

Learn more!

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