Monday, September 2, 2019

Book Review: Bots! Robotics Engineering with Hands-On Makerspace Activities by Kathy Ceceri #Robotics #Robots #MakeCode @KathyCeceri @NomadPressVT @MSMakeCode

Just out is a wonderful read on learning robotics and how to make your own robots by renowned author Kathy Ceceri.

Bots! Robotics Engineering with Hands-On Makerspace Activities is aimed at children ages 9 to 12 who have an interest in learning about robots and in actually making their own robots with materials around the home or makerspace, sometimes augmented with parts costing only a few dollars.

I love many features of this book! The book is in full color with plenty of superb illustrations by Lena Chandhok. Terms used in a section are broken out in sidebars for easy comprehension. All the concepts are explained so users know what’s happening as they progress through various robotic types.

Here is the Table of Contents

Intro: The World of Robotics
Robot … Or Not a Robot?
Chapter 1: The Development of Robotics
    A Vibrating ArtBot
Chapter 2: Robotic Shapes and Jobs
    Edible Robot Skin
Create an Inflatable Robot
Robot Test Platform
Chapter 3: Actuators: Making Robots Move
    Solar WobbleBot
Passive Dynamic Mini-Walker
Chapter 4: Effectors: How Robots Do Things
    Robotic Hand
Hydraulic Robotic Arm
Chapter 5: Sensors: How Robots Know What is Going On
    Tilt Sensor
Digital Camera IR Detector
Pressure Sensor
Chapter 6: Controllers: How Robots Think
    Write a Pencil-and-Paper Logo Program
Program a Virtual Musical Robot with Scratch
Build and Program a Recycled Robot with MakeCode
Chapter 7: AI, Social Robots, and the Future of Robotics
    Teach a Robot to Play NIMBLE

Microsoft MakeCode and the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express are featured towards the end.

I highly recommend this book to middle and high school kids and anyone wanting to work with kids on exploring robotics without big budget parts or prior robotics experience.

Buy the Book or a Complete Kit!

Adafruit is stocking Bots! Robotics Engineering with Hands-On Makerspace Activities both as a stand alone paperback

and as a kit with the book and parts selected by the author herself.

Bots! by Kathy Ceceri - Book and Parts Bundle


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