Friday, September 11, 2020

Raspberry Pi Retro Player @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Maker TeCoEd found a vintage Argus Viewer in a charity shop for 50 pence. It sat around for a few years until he came across an OLED setup guide which led to the design of the Raspberry Pi Retro Player. Here’s more from TeCoEd:

So, what is it, at the heart of it the project is a Raspberry Pi 3 which is running a Python program that uses Open CV.  The program code takes a video clip and breaks it down into individual frames, each one of those individual frames is then resized and converted to black and white, (grayscale) and then each one of the frames is then written back to the OLED display . This creates the illusion of motion and the video plays on the display.  The OLED display uses the sh1106 driver which is a slightly different code than the standard Adafruit circuit Python library used for sh1306 displays.  This required a little bit of investigation and a slightly different setup to normal Souvik Saha guide. However, I have produced a video with a detailed explanation on how to do this should you buy a sh1106 display yourself.

See project!

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