Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The bioremediating missile #ArtTuesday #Art #Biology @wmmna

Jos Volkers hand-crafted a fourteen meter long replica of a V-2 rocket, the WWII long-range guided ballistic missile developed by the Germans to attack Allied cities as retaliation for the Allied bombings. The purpose of the artist’s weapon, however, is everything but nefarious.

Instead of killing civilians and destroying buildings, this gigantic seed bomb was designed to be deployed in case of environmental emergency. “Detonating” it would bring back biodiversity in seriously compromised ecosystems.

The Bioremediating Missile (Brm. 1) is filled with seeds, spores and nutrients.

In theory the Brm. 1. is made to store ecosystem specific seeds and spores from the South-Eastern Carpathians. In case this still pristine ecosystem vanishes because of logging, pollution, nuclear war or otherwise.

If this happens, Ecological Space Engineering will have these ecosystem specific seeds and spores stored in the Brm. 1. Ready for use in order to renew, restore and bioremediate this severely damaged area. The Brm. 1. can be dropped out of a helicopter or plane in the near future.

Read more about this on We Make Money Not Art.

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