Thursday, January 21, 2021

Want to get started designing a PCB with RP2040? @raspberry_pi #rp2040 @adafruit


There’s a cool new kid in town, and everyone wants them over for a play date! The Raspberry Pi RP2040 is a fun bit o kit, and while we wait for chips to be available for purchase, we can start noodling around in CAD software to make our next electronic design come to life.

At Adafruit we have over 400 hundred open source boards available on github ( that folks use to base new designs off of.

Even though we haven’t yet started manufacturing the Feather RP2040, we think its an excellent base for future designs. So we published up the schematics and layout under and open source license! It’s got the SWD wiring, bypass caps, power supplies, crystal section, etc to launch your RP2040 design.

Check out the files at

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