Friday, February 19, 2021

Encasing a McRib in Resin?

I have strange friends. One of these brilliant and lovable chuckleheads is John Graziano. He has a YouTube channel, called Graz Makes (where he doesn’t post nearly enough videos). He also has a day job working at Narwhal Labs, the makerspace associated with the marine (and resin) supply company, Total Boat.

In this Narwhal Labs video, John tries to preserve his crazy kinda love for that illusive of pressed meat wonders, the McDonald’s McRib. Since Mickey D likes to tease its customers by keeping the McRib as an on-again/off-again offering, Graz decided to suspend a rib in the spacetime continuum by encasing it in resin. Good thing, too, ’cause when they go to pick up an order to resin-ate, they get the last batch before that tyrant McDonald threw the off-again switch. Damn you, Ronald!

BTW: Have others noticed that TotalBoat has suddenly become the go-resin in the maker community? It seems like every video I watch, if resin is involved, out comes the TotalBoat. Interesting how that happens.

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