Friday, February 26, 2021

Hunt the Wumpus on Raspberry Pi Pico #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

Smittytone Messes with Micros shared their Pico project on their blog.

Credit where it’s due, though: this version of Hunt the Wumpus was devised a few years ago by Corey Faure, who implemented it on the Arduino. I clocked it at the time and planned to built it myself one day, but never got round to it until I was casting around for Pico projects.

The game has some nice elements for Pico-isation. While I had already driven a display over I²C, now I could not only use GPIO for the LEDs and the switch, but also as analog input for a joystick control. The design’s inclusion of a piezo-electric buzzer would allow me to bit-bang the game’s chip tunes.

Read more.

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