Tuesday, March 16, 2021

An Artist Discovers the Environmental Dark Side of NFTs

Suddenly, everything is NFTs, NFTs, NFTs. It’s amazing how an emerging technology can break big, and seemingly overnight, be on everyone’s lips and in their media feeds.

Such is the case with NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. This is a new kind of file format used on a blockchain that is unique and identifiable, allowing digital files to be authenticated. This has been especially exciting to the art world, where digital artists can now “mint” their work as an NFT and sell it as a certified original.

This video is the story of one artist, Ten Hundred, who was thrilled to fall down the NFT rabbit hole. Until he started hearing and reading about the alarming potential environmental impact of NFTs.

Here, he tells his story and what he understands about the downsides of NFTs. For now, he has decided to skip selling his art as NFTs.

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