Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Alien Puzzles from Lance de los Reyes #ArtTuesday

The grey aliens have come a long way since being nice in Close Encounters of the Third Kind and being creepy in Communion. Artist Lance de los Reyes deploys these aliens as part of his own complication iconographic work. Here’s more from JUXTAPOZ:

The artist has created mysterious puzzles that become blueprints, conveying an understanding for how the artist inherits a degree of transformation that is obvious in the work. While there is a very serious overtone in de los Reyes’ work, he shows a playful and confident lifting of the veil as the viewer is visiting what the artist calls “a modern attribution to hieroglyphics that forms artifacts.” When asked why he created this body of work, de los Reyes quoted friend and writer Edit DeAk: “You may need a protected ambiance to eternalize the energies and worlds as it is coming to you;” de los Reyes considers himself as “a custodian or laborer” to create the obligations within his craft.

See more!

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