Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Forms of Water Rendered in Graphite by Holly Fay #ArtTuesday

The drawings of Holly Fay examine the forces, states, and forms of water. Here’s more from Art the Science:

I am proud of my current project in progress: large-scale graphite drawings on paper. These drawings examine the forces, states, and forms of water, and also acknowledge the beauty and wonder of water. Water is the universal transport medium of life, performing essential and diverse roles. In these drawings, I work layers of graphite into the paper to depict forms that are void of hard or defined contours to suggest continual flux and fluidity. Linear marks in the picture plane suggest the multi-dimensional aspects of physical space and transitory qualities of water, energy, and movement. The drawing process is a means to visually conceptualize the wonder present throughout the underpinnings of the natural world. I am proud of the presence these works hold.

See more!

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