Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Art Made from Technical Equipment, Brain Cells, and Bacteria #ArtTuesday

(PANCREAS (2012) by Thomas Feuerstein, glass, metal, plastic, technical equipment, brain cells, bacteria.)

Thomas Feuerstein make art out of the biological processes. Here’s more from Art the Science:

I am interested in making social, digital, and biological processes speak on various levels in my work. Artwork operates not only metaphorically on the symbolic level of signs, images, and significations, but also on a material and molecular level…. For example, I have been cultivating green algae for over twenty years. These organisms bind carbon dioxide and produce ingredients that form the basis for food, energy, or material resources. For me, these small plant cells act as a narrative knot that connects to the big problems of the present – climate, food, scarcity of resources. From these cultures, I have harvested pigments for paintings, sugars for fruit fly cultures, an alcoholic drink, and ingredients for a new molecule. A team of microbiologists is developing a bioplastic from this for a new project.

See more!



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