Friday, August 6, 2021

Playing Snake on a Raspberry Pi Word Clock @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

There was a time when phones were handsets, and Nokia was king. Back then, we couldn’t play anything on our phones, but we could play Snake, the legendary pre-smartphone mobile phone game made by developer Taneli Armanto. And now, maker Mattias Jähnke, also known as engineerish, had a project that lets you play snake on a Raspberry Pi word clock. Here’s more

I have a soft spot for Raspberry Pi word clocks. True, they may not be as helpful as your standard clock face if you need to tell the time super quickly, but at least they’re easier to read than this binary clock built by engineerish.

“But Alex,” I hear you cry, “word clocks are so done. We’re over them. They’re so 2018. What’s so special about a word clock that you feel it to be worthy of a blog post?”

And the answer, dear reader, is Snake, the best gosh darn game to ever grace the screen of a mobile phone, ever — sorry, Candy Crush.

See more!

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