Monday, March 4, 2024

Desk of Ladyada – TCRT1000 Stemma & Pico Plate Playground #DeskOfLadyada #Adafruit @Adafruit

OK, we got a whole bunch of the prototypes we’ve been working on last few weeks put together. Let’s check them out!

First up the TCRT1000 STEMMA board, which works great but needs a slight tweak to the emitter LED choke resistor.

Next we got 3 different Pico protoplates: a terminal block carrier, and two ‘underplates’. We set up a demo to verify connectivity and had one weird CAD bug that meant we accidentally had a missing ground wire.

We also got our SHT45 trinkey in, and we’re playing with some floppy drives we got that are missing an Index pulse and we’re still investigating.

Also on The Great Search this week: High Accuracy Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Catch Desk of Ladyada live on YouTube every week Sunday evenings and past episodes on YouTube.

See the video below:

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