Friday, March 15, 2024

Virtual USB Sticks with a Raspberry Pi Zero @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

As it turns out, the Raspberry Pi Zero has a “USB gadget mode” that allows you to radically enhance the songs available to you on your car infotainment system — if you have the right plan. Here’s more from vanheusden:

My car (Opel Astra tourer) has a radio (the “infotainment system”) with a USB connector. You can put an USB device in it and it can then play the MP3 files on it. Really nice but there’s a catch though: the car radio has a 1000 songs limit. This sounds like a lot but after a few weeks they start to repeat and that gets annoying. Of course I could manually swap the USB stick but “oh the hassle”.

I read that the Raspberry Pi Zero has a “USB gadget mode”. This mode allows it to pretend it is a device of some kind (webcam, Ethernet adapter, etc). One of the devices it can emulate is a storage device like a regular USB stick!

See project!

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