Saturday, March 30, 2024

Space Images are Space Art #SpaceSaturday

Outer space exists mostly in our imagination. The photos created from James Webb data, the new way we see black holes, even the new colors we associated with Jupiter are all augmented, composited, and, in a way, created as works of art. It likely isn’t true that Stanley Kubrick shot a faked moon landing, but he certainly contributed to the way a generation of filmgoers imagine outer space, alien intelligence, and what a trip to Jupiter might look like. All space images are art. Here’s more, from Aryo Toh Djojo via JUXTAPOZ:

Outer space and alien life forms hasn’t always been the topic for fine art. We have seen a renwed appreciation for the likes of Sorayama, Giger and Amano in recent years, but the idea of putting flying saucers and images of space onto canvas is a bit of a challenge. But in the studio of Los Angeles-based Aryo Toh Djojo, and in his new solo show Unseen Realities at Stems in Paris, we look beyond our expectations for the content in gallery work and start to look to the skies above. Aryo doesn’t always touch on space as a subject, but he often has gazed skyward and created work that exists above the horizon and into the things we cannot deny influence and fascinate us. In this show, he creates an interstellar vision of life, with moons, hybrid creatures, voids and bright monoliths. We are on earth at times but also just beyond, touching on something both human and explorative.

See more!

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