Sunday, March 3, 2024

HackSpace Magazine Issue 75 – Make Your Own Game Controller #RaspberryPiPico #CircuitPython @HackSpaceMag @Raspberry_Pi

HackSpace Magazine Issue 75 – DIY Gadgets features Alpakka, a 3D-print your own game controller.

Making a games controller is easy – you just need a handful of buttons, a Raspberry Pi Pico, and about 20 lines of CircuitPython.

The design files are open-source, so you can start completely from scratch if you like, but we took the easier option of buying the base PCB that comes with one side of surface-mount components already soldered on. We also got the additional components directly from Input Labs to make sure we got the correct parts.

With everything soldered into place, the next step is 3D printing the physical parts.

Read more in HackSpace Magazine, download PDFbuy nowsubscribe.

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