Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Is that a short circuit you hear?

We’ve all been there. A circuit – either of your own, DIY design or some slightly pricey commercial product – isn’t working as intended. And when you dive in to troubleshoot the circuit you encounter something novel to say the least. Here’s a fun quick story by Brian Zabel for EDN on exactly that, involving a teenager’s faulty phone, or is it the charger, or is it the wire? Read more to find out!

On a school night one spring I was at home, winding down for the evening, when I got a troubleshooting request from my frantic stepdaughter. It seemed that her cell phone was almost dead and would not charge at all. Those with young teens in their lives will appreciate that her social life would purportedly suffer irreparable damage the next day unless I provided a fast and immediate solution. To calm the “client” without making any promises, I started with, “Well, let me take a look.” This was followed by more than one “Hmmm” to assure all that much thinking (not to be confused with inaction!) was taking place.

Read more.

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