Tuesday, March 28, 2017

New Research Advocates Moving STEM Learning Earlier #MakerEducation


New article from THE Journal that explores recent research that advocates integrating STEM into early childhood education.

All children are born scientists. Just watch very young children plan and plant a community garden, discussing how much watering it needs, what roots are for and how a plant’s growth shifts with the seasons. Yet the public perception appears to be that only some children have scientific inclinations, based in many cases on their family cultures.

According to a new research project, children who engage in scientific activities at an early age (between birth and age 8) develop positive attitudes toward science, build up their STEM “vocabularies” and do better at problem solving, meeting challenges and acquiring new skills.

Read more.

Adafruit_Learning_SystemEach Tuesday is EducationTuesday here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts about educators and all things STEM. Adafruit supports our educators and loves to spread the good word about educational STEM innovations!

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