Friday, March 31, 2017

Tour of FabLab Berlin

We arrived in Berlin yesterday from Dublin and I checked for events at makerspaces here. I found FabLab Berlin from Adafruit blog posts so I checked out their events. Tonight they had their weekly open house! Here is what I saw.

outside info board

Outside info board

info desk

Info desk

quadcopter with a sign

Kicking of the tour with a quadcopter flying a tour sign.

cnc machine

CNC Machine!

3D printers

Some of the 3D printers

Laser cutters

Laser cutters!



Vinyl cutter and plotter

Vinyl cutter and plotter

electronics bench

Electronics bench

3D printing samples

3D printing samples for different infill and shell settings.

direct to fabric printer

Direct to fabric printer that’s on loan.

After the tour, Philip Steffan from Germany’s Make Magazine gave an update on Maker Faire Berlin 2017.

After the talk we hung out and chatted. I showed off the Adafruit boards I brought with me.

Stefan Hintz showed off his new Girih app that makes it easy to create cool tessellation patterns. He uses these patterns on light up jackets with LEDs.

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