Friday, March 31, 2017

Setup a Private Git Server with GitLab & #RaspberryPi | #Piday @gitlab @RaspberryPi #AllThingsGit

Follow these simple instructions from ‘How to Raspberry Pi’ for using GitLab to establish a private Git server on your Raspberry Pi!

If you do some software development you most likely know GitHub, which is probably the most known web Git repository manager.

For those of you who would not know GitHub yet (just, stop doing management, do a real job, start coding) here is a reminder.

GitHub is a web service based on the software Git (which is a versioning software written by Linus Torvald) and which allows to host a project while providing many tools like the management of tickets (through the “Issues”), the compilation of statistics or the creation of a Wiki for a project.

So, today we will see how to create your own Git repository management server, with GitLab, an open souce GitHub-like, and the Raspberry Pi!

Read more. See additional tutorials here.

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