Tuesday, July 25, 2017

“Arduino 101* discontinuance” #makerbusiness #freearduino @arduinoorg

Adafruit 2577

Intel® Curie End-of-Life Scheduled |Intel Communities – “Arduino 101* discontinuance.”

Intel has announced the end-of-life timeline for the Intel® Curie™ module, and will discontinue manufacturing Arduino 101* development boards, powered by the Intel Curie module. Intel is actively working with alternative manufacturers to continue to make the Arduino 101* development board available to the market. To help customers manage through the Arduino 101* discontinuance, Intel will support last time orders of Arduino 101* products through September 17, 2017 and will fulfill those orders through December 17, 2017. Software support for Arduino 101* and other Intel Curie-based development boards will continue to be provided through the Arduino IDE available for download from arduino.cc. There are no further software releases of the Intel® Curie™ Open Developer Kit (ODK) planned. The current level of community forum-based support for Intel Curie products will continue to be available from Intel through September 15, 2017. After September 15, 2017, Intel will make its online resources available for review only and maintain availability to the Intel Curie community until June 15, 2020. Files licensed under open source licenses will continue to be generally available in binary and source code on GitHub.

Read more & PDF.

Intel Discontinues Joule, Galileo, And Edison Product Lines – Adafruit.
Intel stellt auch das letzte Bastler-Board ein – Golem.de

Ok, so my opinion is that it’s less about sales and more about the direction and leadership of the “new” Arduino (or lack of). What is INTEL going to do? Invest, develop, and release a ton of Arduino branded hardware and have the new CEO of Arduino Federico Musto “Ph.D” in press releases with INTEL and speaking at conferences with INTEL? There still is not an Arduino Foundation, which was promised by Arduino, there are missing and incomplete files for products that Arduino claims are “Open source.” ELEKTOR Magazine says “Confidence in the personalities who wield power at Arduino now seems to be badly damaged” & “This ongoing soap opera does nothing to build confidence in the future direction of this important development platform.”

Musto Cake

Pictured above, Federico Musto “Ph.D” cutting the Arduino cake in half, drinking champagne(?), at Arduino Day 2017.

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