Monday, July 3, 2017

History of Drones Infographic #drone #droneday

The weird wonderful and fascinating history of drones Drones Buy the ultimate resource for buying drones which are just right for you

From via Drone Blog:

If you’re looking to learn about the history of drones – prepare to be amazed. Drones or UAVs started out life as pretty simple rudimentary barely flying objects, slowly but steadily evolving into the technology marvels they have become today.

Read more and see the full infographic!

Welcome to drone day on the Adafruit blog. Every Monday we deliver the latest news, products and more from the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), quadcopter and drone communities. Drones can be used for video & photography (dronies), civil applications, policing, farming, firefighting, military and non-military security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. Previous posts can be found via the #drone tag and our drone / UAV categories.

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