Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Update – Senior House @MIT #SaveSeniorHouse @MITstudents

Senior House Mural - Raw

Here’s an update to our previous post “Senior House Art @MIT #SaveSeniorHouse @MITstudents.” We asked if Chancellor Barnhart was up for an interview. We offered to send the questions over in advance and they could have been answered via email. We were told by current and former MIT students, the answer would likely be… no. Here is the reply we received:

“Chancellor Barnhart asked me to respond to your interview request on her behalf. While she appreciates the invitation, she is traveling right now and is unavailable. In case it is helpful, the letter she sent about Senior House to undergraduates last week is available here (http://ift.tt/2tAOVcc). Thank you for reaching out.” – Senior Communications Officer, Office of the Chancellor.

There are some tweets “#SaveSeniorHouse” ..

And a petition (click here – Senior House Solidarity).

Senior House has been shut down. Please help us by signing this and sharing it widely!
Website with details – saveseniorhouse.mit.edu
Senior House President’s story – goo.gl/77X2Mk
On the value of Senior House – goo.gl/oNRrb8
Senior House has been closed to undergraduates. All residents have been evicted, everything is gone and our murals (goo.gl/hvfcYr) will be painted over. It will reopen in the fall as graduate housing – goo.gl/sc84sN

The 2017 Commencement, held June 9, 2017 by President L. Rafael Reif had Tim Cook, Apple CEO, the President compared the 2,800 students to iPhones “I am the one presiding over the release of a mind-blowing new product.”

Also in the MIT news…


“Defiance, the bold resistance to an opposing force or authority, has been a catalyst for positive change throughout human history. Thoughtful defiance in any institution—governments, courts, labs, universities, businesses, or places of worship—means taking ownership of action and putting oneself at risk to advance society.”

There’s also a Disobedience Award.

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