Friday, August 4, 2017

1969 Wurlitzer Jukebox Revitilization @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Epic build and write-up from Tijuana Rick, via

My father-in-law came across a free 1969 Wurlitzer 3100 Jukebox in March of 2017, in working condition, however the previous owner kept all of the original 45s. Essentially, leaving us with an empty cool looking speaker box. I had worked with an Arduino before to interface physical switches to digital operating systems via USB communication and figured I could use the same principals to hack this machine as well. The idea was to take an Arduino Mega and connect the jukebox buttons to the digital pins of the Mega, then use serial output to communicate with a media playback device, eventually settling on a Raspberry Pi Model 3.

Read more.

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