Friday, August 4, 2017


Raspberry Pi Weather Station

Make an inexpensive weather station using the Raspberry Pi, Via MagPi:

Come rain or shine, a Raspberry Pi weather station makes a great project. With a budget of around $100, Peter Kodermac built a Pi-powered weather station that captures temperature data, graphs it, and publishes it online. His website provides step-by-step instructions to walk you through the process, which involves some simple wiring, and setting up the Raspberry Pi as a web server.

For the Raspberry Pi weather station sensor, Peter recommends the DS18B20. It’s waterproof and comes with a long cable so you can keep the sensor away from the weather station, which might generate heat. The DS18B20 doesn’t measure humidity, so if you want to track humidity, try the DHT22 instead. Peter warns that the DHT22 tends to give less consistent values and can take more than one attempt to get a reading. Peter’s code, available through GitHub, is designed to compensate for that, automatically retrying where necessary.

Peter uses a Pi Cobbler breakout cable and a breadboard to make it easy to connect the sensor to the Raspberry Pi. Make sure you buy the correct Cobbler cable for the model of Raspberry Pi you are using! Everything is housed in a plastic food box, with a hole for the power cable to go in, and for the sensor cable to come out. A wooden roof offers shelter, and Peter puts silica gel sachets inside the box to offer additional protection from moisture.

Weather Circuit
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