Monday, September 25, 2017

Arduino is here to stay @arduino #makerfaire #MFNY17 @makerfaire


Over 6 years ago I wrote “Why the Arduino Won and Why It’s Here to Stay” for MAKE Magazine. Following the maker movement for 15+ years in its many forms, community, people, companies, hardware and software – a lot has changed, and some things have not. The idea of Arduino, easy to use physical computing, is not only here to stay, it’s better than it’s ever been. This weekend at World Maker Faire NYC 2017 Massimo Banzi gave the yearly “State of Arduino” – announced were: Arduino’s commitment to open source, open development and their community. He also announced as the official website and the launch of two new MKR form factor Arduinos – slides here.

Thank you Arduino community for what you’ve done for Adafruit. We’re thankful we were (and are) able to contribute to some of Arduino’s successes as well.

Pictured above, Ladyada 2017 World Maker Faire NYC.

-Ladyada & pt

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