Friday, December 22, 2017

AI Teasmade With Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

via The MagPi and

A Raspberry Pi teasmade was taken for a test run by speed junkie Guy Martin in Channel 4’s recent documentary, Guy Martin Versus the Robot Car.

The Pi powered tea-making robot, ingeniously named R2‑Tea2, was designed and built by Huddersfield’s Running in the Halls (RITH), a design and development studio whose “primary focus is designing and developing web and mobile apps, games and installations” according to RITH co-founder and director, Sam Croft.

RITH’s brief was “to demonstrate how AI could be used in technology that is readily accessible to anyone that has an interest in physical computing,” Sam tells us.

The idea to make a teasmade came from Guy’s love of tea, with the aim that Guy could interact with the robot tea-maker “through some kind of chatbot that would make decisions, based on his [Guy’s] responses in the conversation, about what kind of tea to make,” Sam explains.

However, Sam reveals that “Guy doesn’t have a smartphone and uses a 15-year-old Nokia. This limited our chatbot idea to using SMS text messages.”

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