Saturday, December 9, 2017

Honda’s Robotic Cooler

Honda cooler

Via the Verge:

What is the Honda RoboCas Concept? Well. Honda calls it a “a unique form of electric mobility” that was “born to make each person’s ideas and dreams come true.” Its “use is limited only by the imagination.”

Or in other words, it’s a self-driving cooler with LED eyes.

The RoboCas design is clearly of a piece with the Sports EV concept car that Honda also unveiled at the show this year. Honda imagines people using it to open cafes or curry shops wherever they may roam. RoboCas “can follow people in its unique, cute way, bringing happiness and joy to everyone,” the company says. There’s also a Windows tablet stuck on the back, if that helps.

Video from Honda

Read more and see the full concept!

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