Friday, December 22, 2017

NeoPixels, DotStars and Raspberry Pi – Decorating a Festival Trolley with LEDs #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi



We took the family away to Camp Bestival this summer (as we do most years) and as we have three young children we took a festival trolley with us to help move the youngest child and associated paraphernalia around with us. Each year we try to decorate the trolley a little bit to brighten it up and this year I thought I would use a 1 m strip of 144 NeoPixels I had at work which were sat around not being used!

Having used these in class before I knew that they were sometimes a tricky beast to get working with a Raspberry Pi, but also having recently completed a chapter in my book using a similar DotStar strip to create a LED matrix across the front of a laptop bag; I felt sure that I could get a portable solution up and running for the NeoPixels and a Raspberry Pi. Now this solution is perhaps more involved than how you could get things going in the lab; but to get it working for our festival trolley the whole solution needed to be portable and powered from battery packs.

I decided to make use of an AdaFruit Perma-Proto Pi Hat I had lying around, as this meant the associated electronics I would require for this build could be easily added and removed from the Raspberry Pi for future projects. I also decide that I would build my Hat so that it could be used for both portable NeoPixel and DotStar projects.

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