Tuesday, May 29, 2018

ADABOX 008 is all about building robots! JOIN NOW! Today’s letter is Z for Z-Axis! @adafruit

A while ago we made R is for Robots – a coloring book that explores robots, robot makers, and making robot friends. The next ADABOX (008) is all about building your own robots! Sign up now – we’re shipping late June/early July!

AdaBox is curated Adafruit products, unique collectibles, and exclusive discounts. All delivered quarterly. Subscribe now or give AdaBox to a friend.

Today’s letter is Z for Z-Axis!

Wolfram MathWorld – The z-axis is the axis in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates which is usually oriented vertically. Cylindrical coordinates are defined such that the z-axis is the axis about which the azimuthal coordinate theta is measured.

AdaBox 008 – MAKE ROBOT FRIEND! (video)

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