Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Girl Subject? No Such Thing #MakerEducation

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Nice piece up on the Scientific American Blog highlighting the important work the nonprofit Techbridge Girls is doing for young women STEM.

Nikole’s teachers probably thought they were being helpful. In telling her that she wasn’t “good at” science and math, they likely meant to encourage her interest in other areas rather than specifically discourage her interest in those. Like many girls, Nikole took her the words of her teachers as evidence that she should move on. Nikole is now Nikole Collins-Puri, CEO of Techbridge Girls – an organization that has spent the last 18 years providing high-quality STEM programming to girls in low-income schools. As CEO, Collins-Puri is proud to be part of sending a very different message than the one she received in her youth: You belong in this space.

Read more.

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