Saturday, May 26, 2018

Bitcoin explainer created using AI #Bitcoin #AI

This hilarious, completely un-educational, video was made using the predictive typing site Botnik.

Via Mashable:

Look, understanding cryptocurrency can be confusing. We here at Mashable are dedicated to helping our readers understand the complexities of this new form of currency and how it affects our day-to-day lives.

But even we are having our collective minds blown by this video, an “explainer” of cryptocurrency created by Botnik Studios that was “written using predictive keyboards trained on dozens of Bitcoin explainers.”

And the results are as insane as you might expect:

“To understand how bitcoin transactions are created, randomly pick a number between 1 and 30,000. Now spend that amount of money on Ethereum.”

Here is a piece I published on Elephants:

Botnik Studios

Read more and have some fun!

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