Friday, May 25, 2018

Raspberry Pi Zero Travel Companion – SD Card File Copier, Phone Battery, Computer, IoT Driver #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

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Shared by justinstrawn on Thingiverse:

Electronics+Design project to make a device that automatically copies files from one inserted device to another with an incorporated SD card reader (both sizes).

This project started because of my combined passions for drone photography, travel, and not wanting to bring a laptop just to backup SD cards in case the drone falls off a cliff. Since I always bring a backup battery too, this seemed like a good combination. Plus now I can solar charge my battery when backpacking!

  • Automatic file copier with SD card slots
    • LED indicators for file transfer
    • 3 Switches, USB power, auto (PI) power, and auto-transfer.
  • ~1 full cell phone battery charge
  • Solar Panel battery recharger
  • Linux computer (raspberry pi zero) with USB slots for keyboard/mouse.
  • Portable IoT driver (GPIO pins are exposed underneath)

Fully detailed assembly instructions are still a work-in-progress.

More details, parts list, WIP assembly instructions:

Learn more!

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