Friday, May 25, 2018

Presence Detection for Nurses @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

from Marcel Kruse via

In this project I show how nurses can receive updates when patients walk inside a room.

Currently nurses in hospitals and elderly care locations need to ask patients to wear a watch which they use to track people within the building. Here are some privacy concerns. The Walabot will easily fix this since no patient data will be asked or can be generated. The Walabot will detect if people walks inside a room and if a nurse is present; also can nurses receive notifications when a person enter or leaves a room.

I use the scenario with nurses since I work at a company where we make hardware for exactly this scenario: In some rooms patients may not enter. (for example in storage, computer rooms etc.) Nurses need to be aware if a patient is in a room where they aren’t allowed.

That’s why I use doctors and nurses in this project, but many scenarios can be used:

  • Only let people enter when they are companied with a supervisor.
  • Integration with smart-doors (that can be locked automatically) when a specific person want to get in/out.
  • Count the number of people that arrive in a building (without counting the own staff of the company)

See full project breakdown here!

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