Monday, July 2, 2018

Homemade Clock with #Trinket, #CircuitPython and #Mu

CircuitPython Clock

A big congratulations to Leila and Emma in the UK who solved the riddle of “What do you do when you want an alarm clock that no one makes?” with the correct answer “You make it yourself!”

Using a bunch of Adafruit parts including an Adafruit M0 Trinket, a quad 7-segment display + Backpack, Real-time clock, perma-proto board and various other components, they hacked it all together including the CircuitPython code typed up in the Mu code editor!

The CircuitPython code they created in Mu has a really cool feature to handle button presses to change modes (their clock not only tells the time, but will display the date and year!). This is another important aspect of the project: Leila and Emma are in control of their digital device and, if they feel so inclined, are free to change how it works or fix any bugs. They can hack it!

CircuitPython Clock

You can read the full details of the project including full CircuitPython code on Leila’s blog!

Have you built something you wanted that did not previously exist elsewhere? Let us know in the comments!

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