Thursday, October 25, 2018

Animatronic Glowing Medusa Headdress

Your looks will turn them all to stone, and your snakes will writhe in delight and delicious decadence.  The glow from your serpentine hair will only be eclipsed by the toothsome grin you wear as you fill your statue garden with wonders wrought from your deadly gaze.

This is not a step-by-step guide, rather an overview of how I used Crickit and Circuit Playground to create this costume.  The Crickit is so easy to use that it's a great first foray into the world of animatronics and servos.  

I used MakeCode's drag-and-drop editor to create the code that runs the servos and the lights, so it's easy to learn and customize even if you're not a coder.

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