Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Donate to the Internet Archive @internetarchive #GivingTuesday

Bygruzmj 400X400
Donate to the Internet Archive!.

Will you chip in to keep the Internet Archive going strong?

My dream has always been to build the library of everything and make it available to everyone.

What I didn’t count on was the influences now corrupting the Web. The centralization of power. The active distortions of fact. For me, that changed the Internet Archive from a “nice to have” project to a “gotta have.”

The world needs a better Web.

The world deserves a better Web.

We need a Web that’s reliable. That sets the record straight. We need a Web that’s on our side. A Web that’s not creepy, that doesn’t spy on us. So let’s fix the frickin’ Web!

When I started this nonprofit 22 years ago, people called me crazy. Collect web pages? Why? Who would want to read a book on a screen?

Did you know, this past year we’ve:
• We’ve fixed 1.5 million broken links in Wikipedia using the Wayback Machine?
• Journalists have cited the Internet Archive 1200+ times to set the record straight?
• Readers have borrowed 4 million books and downloaded 900 million texts with complete reader privacy?

The key is to keep improving—and to keep it free.

The Internet Archive has only 150 staff but runs one of the top websites in the world. Reader privacy is very important to us, so we never track you. We don’t accept ads. But we still need to pay for servers, staff and rent.

The Internet Archive is a bargain, but we still need your help.

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