Thursday, November 29, 2018

Retropie Tactical Field Unit @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi

Cool build from Instructables user BenM19.

Have you ever been camping, and really wanted to play Galaga? Get ready for some good news. Behold the Retropie Tactical Field Unit!

This is a portable Raspberry Pi laptop/Retropie setup, enclosed in a waterproof case, similar to a Pelican case. The screen is mounted on the inside of the lid, and the other components are stored in foam pockets in the main part of the case.

Read more.

3055 06Each Friday is PiDay here at Adafruit! Be sure to check out our posts, tutorials and new Raspberry Pi related products. Adafruit has the largest and best selection of Raspberry Pi accessories and all the code & tutorials to get you up and running in no time!

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