Monday, February 25, 2019

Electrifying Printed Pictures #CircuitPlaygroundExpress #NeoPixels #CircuitPython @Instructables @caitlinsdad

Electrifying Printed Pictures By caitlinsdad

Via Instructables – prolific maker caitlinsdad has a new project – making printed images come alive by animated them with light.

Paper makes a great diffuser so we can shine light from LEDs through to make it glow or light.

This instructable shows how to make a cool “working” DONT WALK – WALK sign.

Cardboard is used for a stand with some black fabric as a backing. As for electronics:

I had my Adafruit Circuit Playground Express rigged up with a strip of NeoPixels which was already used in another project. I am using CircuitPython to program the LED light animation so it was easy to make it flash the upper display section, go dark, light up the bottom section, go dark, repeat. The rainbow chase effect is pretty neat that it gives a 3D effect to the characters it lights up.

See the video below and the full write-up on Instructables.

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