Friday, August 23, 2019

A Twitter Bot hooked up to a Raspberry-Pi and Neotrellis for emojiposting! #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi @AlchemyPDXBot #Twitterbot


Excellent blog write up from Claire Cassidy chronicling the development of the @AlchemyPDXBot. Claire and team created this project over the course of 4 days. Check out the blog for the whole process including valuable learning moments! Thanks for sharing Claire!!

@AlchemyPDXBot accepts input through the hashtags #joke #help and#AlchemyMoment. Each route performs a different twitter action. You can ask it for a #joke and it will post a hilariously bad code joke with you tagged in it. You can ask it for #help with details of your code problem and it will retweet it to its Alchemy community followers. You can send it an #AlchemyMoment, words or pictures, and it will store it in it’s database and retweet the moments on #ThrowbackThursday.

As a final touch (and what I worked on primarily), the bot is connected to a Raspberry-pi that is connected to an Adafruit Neotrellis keypad covered in small emoji stickers, which is coded to wirelessly tweet an emoji story of whatever length you want to punch in so long as it’s within range of the Alchemy Code Lab wi-fi.

It lights up with addressable LEDs, involved lasercutting and 3D printing for the enclosures and is by far the coolest thing I’ve made in this program so far IMHO.

Learn more, give @AlchemyPDXBot a look and check out the Github!

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