Friday, August 2, 2019

FullStack (M)ERN Irrigation System #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi


Nice showcase from MrSoir on

This is a full stack irrigation system – which means:

  • The actual irrigation system that is controlled by a WiFi-capable Arduino (in my case, a WeMos D1 mini)
  • The sever/back-end: a RaspberryPi (Zero W) that servers as a Node.js/Express server.
  • The front-end: a React.js based website that lets you control the irrigation system.

Maybe you’re wondering why I call it a (M)ERN software stack: MERN stands for MongoDB + Express.js + React.js + Node.js. I’m not utilizing MongoDB because it would be total overkill for this project. So this project is a pruned MERN stack, or simply (M)ERN.

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