Monday, August 5, 2019

WebUSB demo! NeoPixel Color picker for Circuit Playground Express @tinyusb #tinyusb #webusb #chrome @googlechrome @adafruit @reillyeon @arduino

WebUSB demo! NeoPixel Color picker for Circuit Playground Express (video) – tinyUSB, and WebUSB RGB – GitHub.

tinyUSB currently supports SAMD21, SAMD51, nRF52840, various LPCs, and STM32F4 – more chips will be supported soon!

tinyusb is an open-source (BSD-licensed) USB Host/Device/OTG stack for embedded micro-controllers, especially ARM MCUs. It is designed to be user-friendly in term of configuration and out-of-the-box running experience.

In addition to running without an RTOS, tinyusb is an OS-awared stack that can run across RTOS vendors. For the purpose of eliminating bugs as soon as possible, the stack is developed using Test-Driven Development (TDD) approach. More documents and API reference can be found at


  • WebUSB is here! TinyUSB now has WebUSB support at Adafruit! – Adafruit.
  • Example code – GitHub.
  • Previous WebUSB example – GitHub.
  • Making an Internet of Things scale with PyPortal – Adafruit.
  • Use WebUSB to allow Microsoft MakeCode to download direct to Circuit Playground Express – Adafruit.
  • Adafruit interviews Numworks – Python Programmable calculator – Adafruit.
  • an arduino that shows up as a disk drive – ARDUINO DEVELOPER LIST.

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