Thursday, July 30, 2020

Electric Thrush: bird sounds played on an Adafruit #Feather @instructables

From the Adafruit Forums comes a unique project. Electric Thrush is a solar powered Electric Thrush uses an SD card of bird calls from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology as .WAV files and randomly plays them when a PIR sensor detects something warm with ears going by.

The sounds are powered by an Adafruit Music Maker FeatherWing MP3 OGG WAV MIDI Synth Player controlled by an Adafruit Feather 32u4 Basic Proto.

Sitting on the deck in late evening I was truly amazed at the resonant call of a tiny bird sitting on a bare twig at the top of a distant birch tree. The call is amazingly potent to the ear. It belongs to a family of unique singers — thrushes. This one was a Hermit Thrush. Their songs have been characterized as “the voice of the cool, dark, peaceful solitude which the bird chooses for its home.” This group includes: Varied, Wood, Hermit, and Swainsons. Up in Alaska it’s been called the Salmonberry Bird on the northwest coast when it appears during berry season.

See the video below and read the details on Instructables.

Wire It

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