Wednesday, July 29, 2020

TinyBASIC ported to Arduino compatible boards #BASIC #VintageComputing #Arduino

atinybasic is a straightforward port of Dennis Allison’s famous Tiny BASIC from The People’s Computer Company newsletter circa September 1975. In the spirit of the original, atinybasic does not attempt to be a complete BASIC environment per se. Instead it’s meant to be a starting point for building a BASIC suited for a particular project or task.

I have added RNDABS and an array to the basic feature set, but this is more to show how you might add more features than anything else.

The software has a generous CC0 license.

Ed note: I think this could be really great on some of the newer chips: SAMD21/Mo, SAMD51/M4, nRF52840, ESP32. If you do use it on such chips or make cool extensions, tag me on Twitter @anne_engineer.

See the demo video below and the GitHub repo here.

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