Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sparta High School Student Shines Bright with Raspberry Pi #piday #raspberrypi @Raspberry_Pi

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A high school student made a big impact in Grand Rapids Michigan with their skills on the Pi. Via School News Network:

Building-wide announcement screens: For nine years the newly built high school had screens to provide information to students and visitors in the hallway and cafe, but with no operational delivery system. After the administration received a bid of $20,000, Evan – then a freshman – came up with a solution using a Raspberry Pi system, existing Wi-Fi networks and virtual network computing for less than $150. The school has been using the system for three years.

Mr. Owens noticed my talents in an entry level required computer course my freshman year. After I got well ahead of the class work schedule, he asked if I could use a Raspberry Pi computer to play announcement videos on some TVs mounted in the hallways that had gone unused for years. After I completed this, he continued to find new and exciting opportunities for me to use my talents to improve the high school, eventually culminating in the formation and continuation of the Media Production class.”

Read more!

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